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Balance Evaluation Systems TEST

Task 3: ANKLE STRENGTH & RANGE Exit Portal

I. Biomechanical Contraints

II. Stability Limits

III. Transitions

IV. Reactive Postural Response

V. Sensory Orientation

VI. Stability in Gait

Normal: Able to stand on toes with maximal height and to stand on heels with front of feet up.
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(3) Normal: Able to stand on toes with maximal height and to stand on heels with front of feet up.

Impairment in either foot of either ankle flexors or extensors (i.e. less than maximum height).
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Impairment in two ankle groups (eg; bilateral flexors or both ankle flexors and extensors in 1 foot).
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(1) Impairment in two ankle groups (eg; bilateral flexors or both ankle flexors and extensors in 1 foot).


Both flexors and extensors in both left and right ankles impaired (i.e. less than maximum height).
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(0) Both flexors and extensors in both left and right ankles impaired (i.e. less than maximum height).
